Discovering your Purpose

Home » Discovering your Purpose

Can there possibly be anything more important than understanding, with real clarity, what your purpose here on Earth is?

In this post, I\’d like to offer you some simple suggestions for connecting with your life purpose, based on my own experience. But before I do, let\’s get clear on what life purpose is – and what it isn\’t…

[box type=\”shadow\”]
\”Nothing under the sun is ever accidental.\”

– G E Lessing[/box]

Not a goal but a deep rooted driving force

Your life purpose isn\’t a goal, long term or otherwise. It\’s not something that you set out to achieve so much as the overarching effect of all your achievements when you are living on purpose. Your purpose – or authentic inner desire to create a powerful resulting effect from your actions and behaviors is a deep rooted driving force that stays with you throughout life, albeit one that may remain muted for much if not all of your life.

\’Success\’ and Purpose

Some people like to equate living on purpose with the degree of \’success\’ that a person has achieved, assuming that the higher the profile or the greater the celebrity status a person has, the more aligned they are with their purpose.

This is a thoroughly misguided assumption because it is dependent on the definition of success that one applies. Outward manifestations of wealth, prosperity and status have become standard gauges of success in today\’s world – but they are not reliable indicators of someone living life on purpose.

On uncovering their true life purpose, many seemingly influential and highly ‘successful’ people are emotionally shocked when they realize just how far removed from their true purpose their lives had been up until that point.

How true success is measured

Discovering, or connecting with your life purpose, gives a whole new meaning to success. Suddenly, you realise that true success is measured only by how alive, purposeful and motivated you feel inside.

Given our obsession with achieving \’outward\’ success, it is small wonder so many of us have little or no idea of what are true purpose is. Modern day living has deprived us of a few essential ingredients we need to make the connection.

A few simple ingredients

Let me share with you a few simple ingredients that worked for me …

1. Time out

Any good life coach will tell you that before you can really come to terms with who you are, what drives you, what holds you back and what it is you really want, you need to take a little time out…

…Time out, that is, from ‘life as usual’ or your regular energy-sapping routines or day-to-day stresses and demands; time to turn inwards and think deeply and with real clarity.

2. Press \’Pause\’

Once you have resolved to take time out (and you may need to do this a number of times before the puzzle comes together) you need to press the \’pause\’ button on your day-to-day life.

Find a place that’s well removed from where you spend most of your time; a place that feels good – inspiring preferably – and a place where you can be on your own, undistracted by others.

Getting close to nature can be very helpful in shutting out your daily distractions and helping you relax. So walk up a hill, find a secluded spot on the beach, wander into the middle of a park or simply find somewhere peaceful where you can unwind and have a little time to yourself.

When you’re comfortable, tune into your ‘background chatter’. This is the silent discussion that you are having with yourself. It’s quite likely that, at first you may be saying things like: “I really can’t stay long, I’ve got to get back to …” or “I feel quite guilty doing this when I should be doing …” or “I wonder what … would think if he/she could see me now?”

Once you recognize the background chatter for what it is – your ego trying to protect your public façade by trying to force you back into your externally focused world – you’ll begin to be able to quieten it and you’ll start to feel more comfortable, more relaxed and more focused – on you!

3. Observe

As you become more at ease begin to take in your surroundings. Look around you. Notice the array of things around you and their features, their shapes, colours and patterns.

Now listen carefully. What can you hear that you couldn’t before? Take a deep breath through your nose. What unique smells or fragrances can you detect? Touch some of the things around you. Appreciate the complexity of the different textures.

By now you should find that your background chatter has abated and you are significantly more aware of your surroundings – and yourself.

That’s good because at this point it’s time to turn attention to you. It’s time to reflect on who you are and what you really want in life.

4. Reflect

Think carefully about those periods in your life when you felt most alive and vibrant. What were you doing? Why were you doing it?

Think about what it is that makes you proud to be you? What do you love doing. What are you really good at. What brings you joy, energy and vitality?

Think about who you love to be with. Who loves to be with you. Why?

Think about your very core. Go within.

Ask your inner self to reveal why you are here and what role you  are meant to play in the theatre of life.

As you reflect on the true essence of you a picture will hopefully start to emerge about what it is that uniquely defines you and how you can use that to make a meaningful contribution to this world in a way that brings you joy and fulfillment.

5. Question

When the picture becomes clear, it is time to question whether what you are currently doing and how you are currently living your life is serving – or hindering you – in pursuing your life’s purpose.

Ask yourself \”What has to change, so that I can begin to live my life in alignment with my true purpose so that I may experience the joy of authentic success?\”

6. Act

And, finally, you will need to gather up the courage to take responsibility and do the actions that will take you off of your well trodden current path and on to the path that was designed for you.

And in that short sentence lies the subject material for an entirely different article!

12 thoughts on “Discovering your Purpose”

  1. Pingback: The Gratitude Effect - Valley Trading Post

  2. Good Day Bill, (my first official contact!)

    Reading this article has given some order to the process I have started (July 2011) – in that I resigned ! Where I’m at is most probably at Step 4 (Reflecting……) , Step 5 (Questioning) or rather know that I want to participate.

    The concern is how does one navigate around one’s family commitments ???? Or should I say Financial commitments ! One cannot simply ignore it.

    There is a lot more to be said and discussed. Maybe on a one to one forum.

    Interesting – YES. Question is how ????

    Bill – I have to give you 10/10 for you persistence.


    1. Hi Pierre,

      It’s quite natural to be concerned about one’s commitments but I would suggest that dealing with these will become easier and part of a logical progression if you follow the process of determining your life’s purpose first.

      You may need a short term plan to keep things running while you go through the process but completing the process will give new context to your current commitments and perhaps compelling reasons to ring changes in this regard.

      Good luck!

  3. I thought this was a very thought provoking blog, and would like to ask you permission to reproduce it in part or in whole, when I am discussing “purpose” with my clients. I particularly liked the “pause, observe, reflect and act” suggestion.

    1. Hi Teresa,

      Thank you 🙂 You are most welcome to use anything from the blog as long as you correctly attribute it to me and Life Coaching Insights.

      Best wishes

  4. I am very happy after reading the post above which I can relate with.. I would like to share my opinion – The most productive people on this planet are not those people that happened to get lucky in life. It is the people that have a positive perspective. It is the people who saw poor events, and instead of accepting them they worked on changing attitudes and discovered the positivity inside them. Changing attitude doesn’t arrive easily. There isn’t any fast fix for giving yourself a positive attitude to life events. You will need to build some serious life changes, starting with who you partner yourself with. You may need to associate with the type of persons whose attitudes you desire. Associating with people that do not project the attitude you wish to have will lead you to cutting of oneself down to their attitude. Once you associate yourself with individuals that have a positive, fun-loving attitude, then you will adopt the perspective and motivations which they themselves have. Without the need of changing who you surround yourself with, you will never be able to change the person you turn into.

  5. Society has posed so much influence on us that we fear to face our inner man or draw our inner strength … it has prescribed the ‘norm’ that we feel comfortable/ reasonable to align with … we are afraud to be our true/ honest selves for we might rise above what society prescribes … and fear what they may say about us or will they accept us or understand what we do and how we do it …. yet that is exactly what limits us form finding our God – given talents … it supressed and suffocated by the external world.

    Thanks so much Bill for such liberating and empowering articles !!!

  6. Oswald Chambers daily devotional is entitled “My utmost for his highest” if we use that towards others, it does not matters that we all have different purposes, the world will be a better place. What you say is very relevant of each of us.

    1. Great point – but most us have loud background chatter going on that says: “I simply don’t have the time to spend wandering around in the forest or gazing at flowers in the field, there are far more important things to do.”

      But the truth is that there can be little more important than discovering and understanding one’s purpose – as that puts into perspective exactly how important everything else we do really is!

      Best wishes

  7. Wendy Winter Bowman

    I did this five or six times, and each process produced a different result. But gradually it moved from self improvement to general well wishing towards humanity, thru do no harm to any one, any thing any where… my big idea which is going to reach a lot of people at once with some of the excellent things I have learned in coaching. Previous goals looming large are now only milestones to be gobbled up as quickly as possible as I am on the road to something bigger than I have ever tackled before.
    Wendy B

    1. Hi Wendy,

      I’m delighted to hear your excitement for this ‘big idea’ – good luck!

      By the way, during the process of trying to connect with your life purpose it seems that you may have ended up uncovering some core values (do no harm …) and goals (self improvement).

      It often happens when we search for our life purpose that we start thinking about what is most important to us (values) and what we would like to do. These are important steps in the process. The next step is to ask yourself “…In service of what?”

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