I can’t or I can?

Home » I can’t or I can?

It’s interesting how the mindsets of people who, on the face of it, appear equally capable, can be so different.

Some are what we would call empowered, in other words confident in their ability, in control of their life and willing to take on life’s challenges.

Others are disempowered, in other words struggling with a feeling of powerlessness, not feeling in control of their life and tending to shrink from life’s challenges.

So what is it that separates the empowered from the disempowered?

[box type=\”shadow\”]“When you know yourself you are empowered.
When you accept yourself you are invincible.”

– Tina Lifford


I can\’t or I can? (continued)


Makers and wonderers

You may have heard the saying …

“There are those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and others who wonder what happened!”

The fundamental difference between the ‘makers’ and the ‘wonderers’ is where they turn to find solutions to their challenges or problems.

Look in or look out!

The empowered types look within. They are self aware individuals who trust themselves and have confidence in their own abilities. They enjoy a special relationship with what I call their inner voices or inner beings. They believe they have an important part to play in the world, no matter that they are one in billions.

When challenges arise they turn to their trusted inner beings to find a solution or a way forward in the knowledge that they have the answer, even if it might take a little time to materialise. They know that they can make anything happen if they try hard enough.

The disempowered types look externally. They lack trust in their own abilities and therefore depend on others, fate, luck or even divine intervention for help. They feel insignificant as one amongst billions and therefore see the concept of creating their own future as something of an impossible dream and not worth the effort.

I can’t

Disempowered types use the word “can’t” frequently. It is a reflection of their feeling of relative insignificance and powerlessness in an uncompromising and unpredictable world.

Empowered types, on the other hand, rarely use the word “can’t”. They know that everything is possible in a world of opportunity, although some things require special resources, planning or effort.

A different language

Let’s take a look at the difference in language used by the two types of people when confronted by similar circumstances (we’ll use E for empowered and D for disempowered):

D: \”I can’t attend the meeting at the community hall tonight because my partner wants me to take her out for dinner.\”
E: \”I’ve chosen not to attend the meeting at the community hall tonight as I would rather go to dinner with my partner instead.\”

D: \”I can’t do public speaking. I just don’t have it in me.\”
E: \”I haven’t yet learnt the art of public speaking but I’m looking forward to the challenge.\”

D: \”I just can’t lose weight. I’ve tried everything and nothing works.\”
E: \”I haven’t yet lost weight. I’m still researching a method that will work well for me.\”

D: \”I can’t make a decent living. The economy is down and there are no decent jobs for people like me.\”
E: \”I am looking at some exciting ways to bring in a decent living. When the economy is down, interesting opportunities open up for people like me.\”

D: \”I can’t expect to get a promotion as my family were not wealthy enough to provide me with a tertiary education.\”
E: \”I’ve told my boss that I want a promotion and am willing to study part time if that will help to achieve it.\”

A pattern emerges

You may be seeing a pattern emerge here.

Whereas disempowered types tend to ‘throw up their hands’ and resort to blaming others or justifying why they can’t do something, empowered types acknowledge the situation and resolve to do something positive about it.

Whereas disempowered types use the word “can’t” to explain that something is impossible to achieve because of a disadvantage that is no fault of their own, empowered people use language that opens up the prospect of achieving it with access to certain resources (“Not yet…”, “Working on…”, “Looking at…”, etc.)

Creativity barred

When the word “can’t” is used, creativity is barred and all progress is halted. “Can’t” is used to declare that there is no other solution and that nothing else can be done.

Perhaps you find yourself using the word “can’t” a lot.

If so, understand that you are immediately shutting down your inherent ability to find a solution and create a way forward. Ask yourself whether blaming others or your circumstances instead, is just an easy way out?

Search and replace

Try replacing “can’t” in your vocabulary with what you really mean, such as: “I don’t want to…”, \”I’m not confident in my ability to…” or “I haven’t yet learned how to…”

I think you’ll find that a whole new world of possibility opens up to you!

And by the way … yes, you can!


[box type=\”shadow\”]

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14 thoughts on “I can’t or I can?”

  1. Thank you Bill for another inspiring, motivating message! It so true that the language you choose to use determine the results you reap!

  2. I love the quote that you’ve chosen this week, Bill. It captures the theme of your blog so well. Being able to compare the responses is a useful exercise. The first step towards change is awareness. What an excellent idea to start by paying attention to the words we use, and then substituting “I can’t” with a more effective “I can.”

  3. Thanks Bill
    I am greatfull for all the inspiration from your bloggs. Today I am gratefull for this one even more as it is a confirmation that I am still on the right path. These days, whatever blockages come along I either punch through it or find a way around it.
    A goal set is a goal meant to be reach and nothing can stop it.

  4. A big thank you to Mom and Dad who constantly reminded me growing up that Can’t is not a word ….its a mindset and one that will never serve me…..

  5. Henry W Arendse

    Hi Bill, I concur fully with your take on this matter. I’m so consciously aware of the inherent danger of using the “I can’t” that whenever somebody uses it in my presence, I will intentionally correct them by saying, “stop saying you can’t, instead say you can”. I’ve instilled this in my two sons and now doing the same to my grandchildren as well.

    I love the examples used in your blog.

    Thanks, as always, inspiring and uplifting!


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