The Gift

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Life is a Gift … That’s why it is called The Present!

As we journey along the path of Life, are we treading on shimmering rose quartz or sharp stones? As we go along, are we gathering “the more” that our Egos are desperate to find and hold onto? “When I get there …”

Or, perhaps we are aware of our Heart Song. Content and at Peace, remembering that our Point of Power is to be found … in the Present moment.

Is this The Gift?

When we live each day on Purpose, we grow. When we deny our Purpose, we shrink a little.

Our true heart’s desire will drive us to succeed. Burning desire fuels outstanding creation. Burning desire fuels our personal excellence. We generate that desire by going after our INSPIRED Purpose.

When inspiration drives us – we attract all we need to manifest our chosen Life Path! Inspiration is Divine influence. To inspire, is to put life into. In – Spirit! Inspiration and deep desire are two of our higher callings.

Our inner authentic being knows exactly what our driving force is. Our inner authentic being operates from a state of Grace where we know that to recognise the magnificence of Life and the beauty of Love, is all we need … Where the only prayer we ever have to say, is “Thank You”.

To adopt a new paradigm of our Purpose, and to dramatically improve the quality of our lives, we need to cultivate a new perspective of why we are here on Earth.

“A little bit of fragrance always clings to the hand that gives you roses.”

(Ancient Chinese proverb)

As Robin S. Sharma says:

“When all is said and done, no matter what you have achieved, no matter how many summer houses you own, no matter how many cars sit in your driveway, the quality of your life will come down to the quality of your CONTRIBUTION.”

This, I believe is one of the most essential of all the virtues for enlightened living. In order to cultivate the Sacredness and Sanctity of each day – we need to serve others in some way.

We need to touch people with a gentle energy of awareness and acceptance, in the knowledge that we are One. We do this by leading by example and Inspiration!

The Purpose of Life is a Life of Purpose! But, what is Purpose?

I believe … Our Purpose … each and every one of us … is to AWAKEN.

We need to awaken to our unique brilliance! We need to BE more and DO less! We need to exhale, instead of holding our breath. We need to centre ourselves in the Present moment, instead of controlling and waiting for future happiness. When we are centred in the stillness of Presence, we are in a state of Grace and we are acutely Aware.  A spark of Awareness ignites the candle of compassion!

We find ourselves in the space between thoughts and Awareness. We become aware of our Awareness! We are Consciousness! We Are. I Am.

When we live consciously, all the Powers are revealed to us. The Powers of Choice, Intention, Gratitude, Responsibility, Passion, Abundance, Balance, Determination, Trust … Presence … The list is endless.


I believe that we are all blessed with a unique Gift which will aid us to realise our Purpose. I believe that we are sent here to USE our Gifts for our Higher callings, for the good of all humanity, and Gaia, who is Mother Earth.

What is your Gift?

An abundance of mental ability? Boundless energy? Unlimited creativity? Mountains of compassion? The art of communication? Unleashed courage? “Old Soul” wisdom? The gift of ‘knowingness’? The awe of awareness?

Have we recognised yet, that reality is – whatever IS? Buddha calls it “Tatata”, which means, the suchness of life, which is the suchness of THIS moment!

Now is the time to unlock these treasures and to bring them into consciousness. And then to apply them and use them and SHARE them, in order to reach the Heart centre of Love and the Fountain of Consciousness.

In the clear pool of Peace in the stillness of Presence, you will find your Gift, your Purpose and your True Essence!

The article in this week\’s post was kindly contributed by Jenni Burridge.

17 thoughts on “The Gift”

  1. Wow, I am inspired. What a powerful sharing. A life of contribution. Thank you so much for sharing. A song in my heart right now, ‘ to be still and know that He is God.’ we are born to be a blessing. I will definitely share. I am a trainee coach and it’s am amazing journey of personal growth, awareness and insight.

    1. Lovely, Agatha! Indeed, we are born to be a Blessing! Enjoy your training and wishing you great things on your journey.

  2. Well Done Jenni, A powerful special message from a powerful special lady –
    I love this quote by Steve Jobs who I feel sums me & a lot of fellow coaches up
    “Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules… You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things… they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do”

    With love from a crazy person – Lyn xxx

    1. Thank you Lynno! It’s great to be crazy, it’s wonderful to think and live without blinkers, because, life is AWESOME! Lotsa love xxx

  3. Wow, Jenni! Your gift lies in your ability to express yourself in a way that conveys a deep insight and wisdom. You have touched my heart by the tapestry that you have woven with each carefully chosen word. Thank you so much for putting into words what I, through my life coaching journey, first as a coachee and now as a New Insights Pro life coach, and through daily meditation practice and attending a weekly meditation class, have come to realize. I was blind and now I see! I have never experienced anywhere near the level of fulfillment that I get out of coaching, from any of my other jobs. And it’s because of 1 simple fact. I am using my God-given gifts and talents, my time and my resources to help my fellow human beings.

    1. Bless you, Karen and thank you for your kind words. Enjoy your Life Path and it is clear that you will touch and inspire many on your journey!

  4. Thank you, as with all other articles, one is blessed with power encouragement. I am given an opportunity to become still and found anwers to some of my own questions.

    1. Wonderful, Christal! Isn’t it great that all our answers come with Stillness? What a beautifully simple, yet powerful practice!

  5. Good contents for encouragement, however do we all know and agree as to what our “Higher calling” is?

    1. Jenni Burridge

      Hi Petrus. Thank you for your question! My intention behind this article (and all my coaching), is to help us all to understand the Power of the Present Moment. When we are truly still … We experience consciousness. Only in this state, do we realize our uniqueness and discover our personal Gifts. From this point, we get to choose and decide how to use our Gifts for our Higher Calling. Our Higher Calling would be as unique as we are, but, collectively, for the good of all humanity!

  6. You truly are gifted to pass on such deep realities in such a poetic and effective manner. After reading that I immediately thought of what is special to me and which stranger could I give it to. Thank you so much. Regards and I am looking forward to your next article.

  7. Thanks so much for this wonderful, inspirational message. Reminds us all to seek the essence of living and giving. Warm wishes and thanks.

  8. What beautiful and thought provoking words Jenni- I agree 100%. Many of us think that Life Purpose is going to be some HUGE thing- like building 500 schools in Africa!!….but it is often a far more spititual/emotional/intangible purpose. You hit the nail on the head with your article. Well done!

    1. Jenni Burridge

      Thank you, Cherri! Yes – at the end of the day, Conscious living brings us PEACE! And, by recognising our personal Gifts, we get to use them, with Love, through our Purpose!

      Looking forward to seeing you very soon! xxx

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