The Secret to Success

Home » The Secret to Success

Let me ask you a question.

\”Who is the most successful person you know of?\”

Interesting question isn\’t it?

My guess is that a whole lot of very famous and talented people spring to your mind?

Now try to answer this:

\”Why do you regard that person as the most successful person you know of?\”

[box type=\”shadow\”]“Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.”

– Maya Angelou[/box]

My guess is that your answer goes something along these lines:

  • … is one of the richest people on earth.
  • … is on the Forbes Top 100 list.
  • … has built more businesses than anyone else.
  • … has sold more records/films than anyone else.
  • … is one of the most influential people on earth.
  • … has more TV viewers than anyone else.
  • … has a bigger following of fans than anyone else.
  • … has had a more dramatic turnaround of fortunes than anyone else.

A common definition of success

In modern society most people would relate to a definition of success that is based on the attainment of material wealth, possessions or status.

The term ‘success’ has become equated not only with what and how much we have but – more importantly – how others might perceive of that.

Looking outwards, not inwards

So we tend to judge how successful we are by seeking validation and affirmation from the external world; looking outwards, rather than inwards.

And when it comes to how others might perceive of us, we all have very different yardsticks for measuring this.

For instance, I might think that my neighbour is successful because he has a better home and drives a superior car to me. On the other hand, he might think his boss, who earns double his salary and owns a holiday home in Spain, is a good example of someone who is successful. His boss, in turn, looks to one of his best friends from school who is now a globetrotting multi millionaire, as his benchmark of success!

A relative – and elusive – concept

The point I am making is that success, in the way most humans have chosen to define and measure it, is a relative concept. As such, it is, for many of us, as elusive as the proverbial pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

No wonder then that so many of us go through life feeling frustrated at our lack of success and constantly searching in the external world for the \’magic formula or \’silver bullet\’ that will guarantee our \’success\’.

In pursuing the external world validation that will confer on us this elusive state of success, it is easy to lose sight of who we truly are at a deep level; to lose connection with our very own source; to lose appreciation for what makes us feel good rather than what makes us look good in the eyes of others.

A more empowering way

There is another far more empowering way to define success, viz. \’the accomplishment of what was aimed at\’.

And there is a far more relevant and accurate way to measure it, viz. by how happy we feel on the inside.

By viewing success, not as what we achieve relative to others but what we achieve relative to our own inner ambitions, we immediately remove its elusiveness and take back the power to create our own success.

A simple formula

If you\’re comfortable with the notion that we are all here on earth for a reason; that we all have a purpose for our life, then you will appreciate that authentic success is simply the accomplishment of anything that contributes to that purpose.

Authentic success – when our actions and behaviours are synchronised with the achievement of our life\’s purpose – manifests in feelings of profound happiness.

So the true measure of our success is how happy we feel on the inside.

It\’s a simple formula but one we often overlook.

Level of happiness = level of success

The secret is out

The secret to success lies in how we define and measure it … and how well we understand ourselves!


25 thoughts on “The Secret to Success”

  1. Success is investing your personality in the life of others,making them think,and do things as you would and changing your environment from the way you met it

  2. Pingback: Rules for Success: New Insights - Valley Trading Post

  3. Marina Erasmus

    Thank you Bill, youre article is a great reminder on what success actually is! Keep on posting! Your words are much appreciated!

  4. Sharon de Beer

    Hi Bill,

    Your article for this week is mind-blowing. I am still personally struggling on this level, although I have improved since being a life coach, but I am consciously renewing my mind on this very concept on a daily basis. I have come to the realization (at last) that my worth and value is not based on the size of my house, the make of my car, and how much is in the bank, but on how much I am contributing to this world and into people’s lives on a daily basis. The rewards that one receives when you have impacted someone in a positive, life-changing way, surpasses any “high” that one receives from obtaining any material possession. Once a person has discovered their real purpose in why they have been put on this earth, and they purposefully plot a way forward into following their purpose, I believe then true happiness and freedom from the stress of self-imposed and society imposed standards and expectations come. Thank you for this article that served to remind us on what is truly important in life.

  5. Elsabe Scheepers

    Very true! What I also learned through the years is that I feel more successful (happy inside) when I can help someone else to be a better person,, I guess that’s my life purpose 😉

  6. Great message Bill. I have my clients work out what their definition of success is FOR THEM. Some find this a very difficult task because we are so programmed by external trappings. I will forward this on to all my clients who don”t receive the Insights blog!

  7. This article has come at the perfect time. I have had so many sessions with clients recently where they have realized that their definition of success doesn’t actually sit well with them when they take the time to stop and really analyse it. Too often we acquire our of definitions of success without ever taking the time to intentionally decide whether the worlds definition of success is really ours. I have shared this with a number of people! Thanks Bill.

  8. Rodney Gregory

    Extremely inspirational message, Bill. Tragic that we, however, gauge other’s success on our perception of their material success and not on their expression of inner satisfaction with their circumstances. In short, we don’t apply what we expect from others.

  9. Karin Helberg

    Hi Bill,

    Good article. Serves as a reminder not to rely on others for validation and happiness. The level that one is committed to achieving their goal is what will be achieved and with happiness as a result.

    Thank you,


  10. Great article Bill. Even those of us that define success by looking within all too often fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others (yet again 🙂 )

    Good to have a reminder every now and then to keep us on the right track.

    1. Yes, it is programmed into us throughout life and it becomes very difficult to consciously move away from it.

  11. Geoff Feldon

    Thanks Bill,

    I have been giving this a lot of thought lately and agree that success is achieving what WE want to achieve and not what we think others want us to achieve. Once we truly accept and embrace this then we can be happy and fulfilled in our lives.

    This is a concept I will be using in my coaching in future.


    1. Thanks Geoff. I believe it is all part of the evolution of humanity. The period of collective society – dominated thinking and norm setting served us during the past era but today it is increasingly out of touch with many free thinking people who no longer need the protection of the collective, if that makes sense 🙂

  12. Anthea Mesias

    Amazing article indeed. Defining success by the world’s standards just never gets us off that hamster wheel…it keeps us going round and round. Bringing the definition back home and realising that success is not something we aspire to, but something we already have by virtue of our own happiness….we just have to apply the formula. Thanks Bill! I am successful.

  13. Great article Bill!

    Far too often we rely on the validation of others to feel good about ourselves.

    Your strategy takes back the power and becomes empowering for us

    Love it


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